The Study of Isolation, Culture and Transgene of Porcine Spermatogonial Stem Cells 猪精原干细胞的分离、培养及转基因条件研究
Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Non-human Primates 非人灵长类动物精原干细胞研究进展
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The morphological changes of cryptorchidism, and the sorting results of spermatogonial stem cells. 主要观察指标:隐睾的形态学变化,精原干细胞分选结果。
Fundamental Research on Gene Transfer in Vitro and Transplantation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells 精原干细胞体外基因转染及其移植的初步研究
Spermatogonial stem cells ( SSCs) are the only stem cells in the body that transmit genetic information to the next generation. 精原干细胞是机体内唯一一个能传递遗传信息至下一代的干细胞。
Males, whether they are mouse or man, generate a constant supply of new sperm from self-renewing spermatogonial stem cells. 不管是小鼠还是人类,雄性个体都能从具有自我复制能力的精原干细胞中不断产生新精子。
Efferent Duct-Rete Injection Improves the Efficiency for Transplanting Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells 输出小管-睾丸网注射提高小鼠精原干细胞移植效率
In most men, spermatogonial cells eventually develop into mature, functional sperm but this progression was not achieved in this experiment. 在大多数人,精原细胞最终分化发育为成熟,有功能的精子细胞,但是这一过程在实验中尚未实现。
Depleting Endogenous Germ Cells for Transplantation Recipients of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Ovine 绵羊精原干细胞移植受体内源性生殖细胞的消除研究
The Ethics of Transplantion Spermatogonial Stem Cells for Treatment of Male Infertility 精原干细胞移植治疗男性不育症的伦理学问题
Biological characteristics of spermatogonial stem cells under defined culture environment with chinese traditional medicine 精原干细胞在中药生精制剂中的生长特性
Updated Dedifferentiation and Pluripotency of Spermatogonial Stem Cells 精原干细胞去分化和多能性的研究进展
Long-term Proliferation Characteristics of Spermatogonial Stem Cells Coculture with Sertoli cell Layer In Vitro 精原干细胞在支持细胞饲养层上的长期增殖特征
Research Progress in the Production of Transgenic Animals Using Spermatogonial Stem Cells 利用精原干细胞建立转基因动物的研究进展
Study on Culture of Chicken Spermatogonial Stem Cells and Effection of Different Cytokines on Them; Detection the level of seminal cytokine's IL-2, IL-8, TNF-α and nitric oxide in patients with interleukin azoospermia and its clinical significance 鸡精原干细胞体外培养及不同细胞因子的影响白细胞精子症患者精浆细胞因子及一氧化氮的检测与临床意义
Objective: To investigate the methods and conditions for the isolation, purification and culture of human spermatogonial stem cells ( SSCs) on the feeder layer cells of human embryonic fibroblasts ( hEFs). 目的:探讨人精原干细胞分离、纯化及以人胚胎成纤维细胞为饲养层培养的方法和条件。
Study on Proliferation and Differentiation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Mouse Promoted by GDNF and SCF GDNF和SCF促进小鼠精原干细胞增殖与分化的研究
Culture of Cryopreserved Spermatogonial Stem Cells with Sertoli Cells as Feeder Layer 以支持细胞为饲养层培养冻存后大鼠精原干细胞研究
Objectives: To establish the culture system of spermatogonial stem cells in vitro; 目的:探索及完善精原干细胞的分离、鉴定和体外培养技术;
Expression of integrin-α_ 6 in mouse testicular spermatogonial cells 整合素α6亚基在不同年龄段小鼠睾丸精原细胞表达观察
Separation and co-culture of Sertoli cells and spermatogonial cells from rat testis 大鼠Sertoli细胞与精原细胞的分离及共培养
Then the spermatogonial cells, regularly round or ovoid in shape, adhered to the somatic cells in chains or clumps. 精原细胞贴壁较迟,贴壁后呈规则的圆形或卵圆形,以链状或团块状位于体细胞层之上,细胞分裂不完全,相互间以细胞间桥相连。
Conclusion spermatogonial stem cells can be transplanted successfully into rete testis among Balb/ c mice. 结论在基因型相似的Balb/c小鼠间经睾丸网进行精原干细胞移植是可行的。
Establishment of transgene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene by using the spermatogonial cells as the mediating vector 乙肝病毒X基因转基因树鼩模型的建立和病理学研究
To study the effect of proto-oncogene c-src and the expression of caspase-3 gene on spermatogonial stem cells. 研究原癌基因c-src对体外培养的精原干细胞存活及与凋亡密切相关的caspase-3表达的影响。
Objective: To investigate the possibility of using the spermatogonial cells as a vector to establish trans-gene animal model of tree shrew with HBV X gene. 目的:探索以精原细胞作为载体建立带乙肝病毒X基因的树鼩转基因动物模型的可行性。
MTT assay was used to detect to survival and proliferation of spermatogonial stem cells; 用MTT比色法检测精原干细胞的存活及增殖情况,观察AS-src对精原干细胞存活的剂量性影响及AS-src对精原干细胞存活的时间性影响;
Spermatogonial stem cells can be cultured, cryopreserved, transplanted and genetically manipulated. 精原干细胞可以体外培养、冷冻保存及移植,还可以进行基因操作,并能将外源基因稳定地传递给后代。